PAIN, a mail-in art show

 A reminder that this coming Saturday, June 14th, from 2:00 – 4:00 pm, is reception for the PAIN show. Please try to come if you are in the LA area.  See you Saturday. Bring friends. Lots of parking in Westwood Village. The LRC Gallery at the David Geffen School of Medicine presentspain “PAIN”, a mail in postcard show featuring images depicting pain.  

Works by Various Artists
May 7 – August 30, 2014

Artist Reception:

June 14th, 2014, 2 – 4PM

What happens when you have a world wide call for art about pain? The world responds.

The pain of loneliness. The pain of post-traumatic stress. The pain of spinal stenosis, of uterine fibroids. How to explain one’s pain to another person, to make it real for someone else? By drawing it.

We have asked artist from all over the world to mail in some images of their pain experiences. All we asked is that the image arrive through the mail and illustrate some type of pain. They might not all seem painful to the viewer, but they do to the artist.

Art arrived from Asia, Europe, South America, as well as all over the USA and Canada.




Hollywood Corner Restaurant

ML Postcard - 2010I am fortunate to have been asked to be the featured artist at The Hollywood Corner Restaurant for the next 2-3 months. There will be several Artist events including a book signing and the Reception that is detailed below. I hope you can join us and I look forward to seeing you! The Hollywood Corner 1156 N. Highland Ave. Hollywood, CA 90038 (323) 463-2220 Monday – Thursday 7 am – 10 pm Friday 7 am – 11 pm Saturday 8 am – 11 pm Sunday 8 am – 10 pm Opening Reception Saturday, May 15, 2010 6 pm – 9 pm New Directions 12” x 12” on canvas

New Work – New Directions…

Well it has certainly been a long time since I have posted here. Things are changing and everything is going so fast in many directions.

Working with some fellow artists has helped me move my art to another place. I am posting two pieces that I worked on in her studio today. The first one is a piece I titled “New Direction” and has incorporated many beautiful textures and colors. The second piece features a postcard with a picture of my grandmother as a young girl, probably circa 1900 or so.

If you haven’t seen my website in a while, please take a look. Last year I changed the look and have added many new pieces. One of my most recent pieces, is “Sandra’s Life” featured on my home page. It is the latest piece in the “Heritage Series”. You can view my work at

My GrandmotherIn just a few months, the book you have all been anxiously waiting for “Masters:  Collage” will be available on Amazon. I will be one of the 40 featured artists, along with my friend Launa Romoff, Baby Smith, and my wonderful mentor, Mitzi Trachtenberg.

Love what you do, who you are and tackle all of your obstacles with passion.

warm and loving regards,

More on “Loving Lucy”…

Collage PostcardThe “Loving Lucy” giclee has been processed and is 28″ x 28″ in size with 3″ sides of images of the antics of Lucy and Ricky during the “I Love Lucy” period. It is proudly on display at Raw Style Gallery! Good things are happening in my own personal art world but I will keep them under wraps until I know more…

My piece titled “Time Lost” has been accepted into an exhibit for the National Collage Society which will be held at the end of the year in Colorado. Collage Artists of America is having their annual Winter Exhibit and I have been helping behind the scenes. Check out the postcard that I designed above. The show will be juried on November 17 and will run from November 19 through December 6.

Raw Style Gallery wants me to keep working on more pop art for the Gallery. I think my next one will be John Lennon or Marilyn or ???? Any suggestions?

Loving Lucy

Loving Lucy. Original 24 x 24; 28 x 28 Giclee Available“Loving Lucy” is ready to be unveiled. A Giclee is in production. Raw Style Gallery has been contacted. I now have to find other galleries that show Pop Art and make contact for representation. So much to do and so little time. I know there are lot’s of Lucy lover’s out there. Now, they must be found and the search is on…

The sides on this piece are really a surprise. My new production studio cannot scan the sides that I have on my original piece and therefore I had to create different sides. They will be 3″ wide. It is a very interesting process. Scanning vs. photography. Marie, the Photoshop expert is amazing! I think she made the giclee look better than the original. If you would like to see how the piece looks with the new sides please let me know and I will email it to you.

I have completed another piece that has been sitting in my studio for about 6 months. I just didn’t feel it. A couple of Sunday’s ago I felt compelled to solve it and I did. I will take another look and decide whether it is to be sealed or not. It is a complex piece with many layers. I have called this piece “Why” and you will see “why”.

I have entered three exhibits coming up over the next several months. The notices will start coming in the end of August. If the Juror likes my work I will be selected. If the Juror doesn’t like my work, well it does happen, then I will have paid an exhibit fee to help support that organization. So think positive thoughts for me!

I have cleaned up my studio and cleared my workspace, put all of my supplies back on the shelves and I am ready to start something new. I have been commissioned to do a piece about the courage of young individuals forced to cope with cancer in their lives. More to come on this…

New Website!!

MannyIf you have made it here to my blog (can’t believe that I am doing a blog!) you know that the new website is up and running smoothly. I’m getting ready to send out an email blast to let everyone know. Please tell all your friends to take a look and see what I am up to.

I have been busy working in my studio on a piece called “Loving Lucy”. It is going to be part of my Iconic Series and if you haven’t already guessed it is the life of Lucille Ball. Reactions to it so far have been great.

I just had “The Beatles” accepted into an exhibit at VIVA Gallery called “My Way” and it incorporates the four groups of artists that keep VIVA running. The juror had quite a job choosing from 184 entries down to the 97 wonderful pieces of art on display. “The Beatles” giclee is also hanging in my office, at home and looking great in the window of the Raw Style Gallery on Montana in Santa Monica.

Wow, what a Summer!

The Beatles #84. 20 x 20 original and Giclee. Giclee available.This has certainly been an action packed summer! Lots of activity in my own personal art world. I am busy working on a new piece to add to my Iconic series and have some ideas spinning around my head about what to work on after this one. The new Beatles giclee is very exciting and I’m getting lots of positive feedback when it is seen hanging in my office. The size is 28″ x 28″ (the original is a mere 20″ x 20″) and the larger format makes a difference. Well, it doesn’t look too bad sitting in the window of Raw Style Gallery on Montana Avenue either.
Anxiously awaiting the premier of my newly designed website. I will send an email blast to all of you so you can take a peek. Well thats all for now. Check back soon for updates!